AIESECers at PwC

The content reflects the personal experience of the contributors who -by coincidence- all work(ed) at PwC. Each user is at all times solely and personally responsible for the usage by him/her under non-PwC-managed environment. All the messages don't reflect the stance and/or opinion of PricewaterhouseCoopers* in any way or form.

* PricewaterhouseCoopers refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Winter Conference in Copenhagen

1 - 4 February 2007

It's a pleasure to be invited to the Winter Conference held in Copenhagen. Also an opportunity to travel around Europe, and it's great to be travelling with fellow PwC trainees too :D

On the first night, we clashed into the MCP (Member Committee President) Election, and it was definitely a stressful moment to be bombarded with questions from over 50 members spreaded among the 6 LCs (Local Committees).

Great to be back to AIESEC conference again, after such long times ago...good place to revive my youth and energies from the younger generations... ;D

On the second day, competencies & skills workshops were organized during the conference. Christian Østergaard and Maria Addis (both HR Consultant) from PwC Denmark were invited to give a presentation and conduct a workshop for the delegates.

L>R: Agustin, Christian, Crystal, me ;D Maria

Of course, we won't forget to tour around Copenhagen... Copenhagen is a neat and tidy habour city, surrounded by the rivers and sea, thus a boat trip is the best way to tour around the city...the Opera House & the pretty Little Mermaid :D


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