AIESECers at PwC

The content reflects the personal experience of the contributors who -by coincidence- all work(ed) at PwC. Each user is at all times solely and personally responsible for the usage by him/her under non-PwC-managed environment. All the messages don't reflect the stance and/or opinion of PricewaterhouseCoopers* in any way or form.

* PricewaterhouseCoopers refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Leaving Belgium...and moving on...

Can't imagine that I have already left Belgium, and now I am back in Singapore! Can't imagine that one year is just gone like that!!! One year is not too long, neither is it short. But it had been an intensive one year for me, in terms of work, in terms of personal life...sigh...think I really miss Belgium now...

I really enjoy working in SPA. I like what I am doing, the job, the environment, the people. First half of the year was not very interesting, but soon by the second half of the year, I was fully chargeable to clients.

I am glad to be in SPA, glad to work with different colleagues, and glad be to granted the opportunities. Overall, I am happy with the learning opportunities given to me, happy in my performance, happy with the good appraisals I have received.

I managed to achieve my CISA certification. I am lucky to have a helpful Boss such that I managed to have a good referral to other office. I am blissed with fun colleagues in a fun-loving department.

Moving on, I will still be in the big global family of PwC, in Toronto office to further my career, to gain further international experience, and continue exploring the rest of the world ;-)

See you soon again...

All the best to all the trainees in Belgium now...


  • At 7:37 PM, Blogger Kristi said…

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • At 7:44 PM, Blogger Kristi said…

    Hi Chin,

    Great to see you have arrived safely to Singapore. I look forward to hearing your stories from Toronto. We miss you here!


  • At 10:57 AM, Anonymous IT audit said…

    Hi! Are you having problems finding right exam guide for cisa certification? I was having such problems few days ago. And I consulted with this site because their CISA certification program requires you to complete the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Policy so that you can maintain a sufficient level of knowledge and expertise in the Information Systems audit, control and security field. This is proved to be really helpful to me. Thanks. . IT audit


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