AIESECers at PwC

The content reflects the personal experience of the contributors who -by coincidence- all work(ed) at PwC. Each user is at all times solely and personally responsible for the usage by him/her under non-PwC-managed environment. All the messages don't reflect the stance and/or opinion of PricewaterhouseCoopers* in any way or form.

* PricewaterhouseCoopers refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


It might be a good opportunity to begin our blog with the topic of welcome party for the 6 new interns in Belgian firm.

Nice restaurant, nice food and nice people. Sitting at the small table, you really feel the power of AIESEC again, with the smile faces from Brazil, Canada, France, Hungary, India, Mexico, Romania, Tunisia. (Also, Chin from Singapore, we won't forget you. :) )

At the same time, Grace from Malaysia, Carina from Hong Kong and Goya from China are landing in Frankfurt for the PwC internship of Eurofirms.

The pulse of this connection just could not stop for even a single second.

During the dinner, I also thought much of Norica, who was actually just sitting beside me. Without her, as well as the supports from so many "AIESEC Fans" in PwC, we wouldn't be sitting here and having our new life in PwC and in Belgium.

I also thought a lot on my year plan. Since in this International Congress (IC) in Poland, we got the Best Partnership Award from AIESEC International, which poses a big challenge for me to catch the ball from Norica and the efforts of last year perfectly. Also, I do feel proud of this partnership, especially when so many countries (37 countries) approached me in IC for country/regional meetings to explore the partnership in the coming year, I had the true impression that this connection between PwC and AIESEC was really something for the first time. Also, thank to Karel, Rich, Elena, Srini, Jose, Alan, Kai and all the Polish firm guests, Gosia, Magda, Ewa for making this IC my best memory ever!

Right now, back to the table, looking at the bright faces, I have the strong belief in the coming year, for AIESEC and for PwC!